I love bridges... Ever since I was a little girl, crossing a bridge was always full of anticipation of what was on the other side. The uneasy feeling of approaching the bridge and not being completely sure what was going to happen when we drove onto it, or even stepped on it if we were walking. Some people are afraid of bridges. For some, they represent other things. I remember one time, we drove to the shore in New Jersey and we were headed to Island Beach State Park. In order to get there, you have to cross a bridge that is quite a ways over the water. It was a hot and breezy, August morning. I could barely see over the window in the back seat of the car so everything looked so big to me. My view mainly consisted of the sky. There was fog lifting off the water and at one point, I couldn't even see the bridge between the two front seats across the dash board. I wasn't sure if the bridge just ended and cars would fall off into the sea below or we would drive right up into the clouds. There was always the more logical choice of the bridge continuing on its way across the water and onto the island we were headed for. My childlike imagination paired with a typical "worst case scenario" mindset gave me plenty of material for imagining what was going to happen while we were making our way across that bridge. My dad was driving the car, checking out the boats. He asked us if we saw the sail boat across the way. I couldn't see it. My mom was gripping her seat belt and telling all of us to "Sit still!" As if at any moment we may fly right out the window if we didn't. Eventually, the land became visible and instantly we were no longer floating through the air. At this particular bridge, we had to stop and pay a toll which really gave us the recognition that we had just made it over the towering spectacle to the other side. I loved reaching the other side. Everything looked different and exciting. The air felt crisp and cool. I could smell sweet salty air of the ocean. The bridge quickly disappeared as we drove on. I can remember that feeling like it was yesterday. I felt like I had made it!